04 02 2024 Carol Pattinson
Caernarfon Pentecostal Caernarfon Pentecostal

04 02 2024 Carol Pattinson

Today Carol shares with us from chapter three of Matthew, focusing on John the Baptist and the baptism of Jesus. On the day, various people helped Carol read the passage but the live readings didn't record well. New recordings of those sections have been added in, but it means they are all in one voice.

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28 01 2024 Derek Roberts
Caernarfon Pentecostal Caernarfon Pentecostal

28 01 2024 Derek Roberts

We are seeking to be Christ-followers, so in 2024 we are working through Jesus' life and ministry in the book of Matthew as we pray that we'll become more like Jesus as we focus on what he did and said on earth. This Sunday, Derek considers the birth of Jesus in chapters 1 and 2.

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