14 07 2024 John Edwards
Caernarfon Pentecostal Caernarfon Pentecostal

14 07 2024 John Edwards

Matthew’s gospel concludes the 'Sermon on the Mount' with a note saying the crowds were amazed at Jesus’ teaching because of the authority with which he spoke. Today, John uses these verses as inspiration to look back and recap what Jesus taught with such authority.

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07 07 2024 Carol Pattinson
Caernarfon Pentecostal Caernarfon Pentecostal

07 07 2024 Carol Pattinson

In the final portion of Jesus' teaching in the 'Sermon on the Mount' we are encouraged to both listen to the words of Jesus and put them into practice, thereby building on the rock. Carol speaks to us today with examples from her life of what it means to build on the rock.

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30 06 2024 Reuben Florence
Caernarfon Pentecostal Caernarfon Pentecostal

30 06 2024 Reuben Florence

Today we look at the portion of Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount that coined our phrase “wolves in sheep’s clothing”. These verses talk of false prophets and of false disciples. Reuben shares with us what that might look like in practice, and how we can guard against being false.

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23 06 2024 John Edwards
Caernarfon Pentecostal Caernarfon Pentecostal

23 06 2024 John Edwards

John takes some time to consider what it might mean navigate the narrow gate and road that lead to life. He takes us through a number of challenges that life brings and how to press on through them.

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09 06 2024 Derek Roberts
Caernarfon Pentecostal Caernarfon Pentecostal

09 06 2024 Derek Roberts

Our journey through Matthew pauses on a single verse this time. Not a whole chapter, or even a shorter passage. Just verse twelve. Derek shares with us some of the depth of this single statement from Jesus.

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02 06 2024 David Knott
Caernarfon Pentecostal Caernarfon Pentecostal

02 06 2024 David Knott

In this portion of Matthew's gospel, we look at Jesus' instruction to us to ask, seek, and knock, and the reassurance that God will hear and respond to us. David takes us through an initial reading, a deeper reading, and an obvious question.

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26 05 2024 Carol Pattinson
Caernarfon Pentecostal Caernarfon Pentecostal

26 05 2024 Carol Pattinson

Carol shares with us today from the beginning of Matthew chapter seven where Jesus’ addresses judging other people.

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19 05 2024 Reuben Florence
Caernarfon Pentecostal Caernarfon Pentecostal

19 05 2024 Reuben Florence

In this portion of the sermon on the mount, Jesus encourages us not to worry, with illustrations of the birds of the air and lilies of the field being provided for by God. This Sunday, Reuben shares from these verses as we continue our journey through Matthew.

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12 05 2024 Derek Roberts
Caernarfon Pentecostal Caernarfon Pentecostal

12 05 2024 Derek Roberts

Derek shares the latest in our journey through Matthew's gospel, as Jesus teaches about the idea of 'treasures in heaven'. Apologies for the distortion on this recording.

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05 05 2024 Mark Smith
Caernarfon Pentecostal Caernarfon Pentecostal

05 05 2024 Mark Smith

We had the pleasure of welcoming Mark & Sarah Smith from LifeChurch Manchester to our service this morning. We stayed in Matthew but jumped forward a little as Mark spoke from the parable of the wise and foolish builders in chapter seven. Later in the day Sarah spoke at Mosaic in Bangor. LifeChurch and Mosaic are both part of the Maximise family of churches that CPC is part of.

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28 04 2024 Jenny Knott
Caernarfon Pentecostal Caernarfon Pentecostal

28 04 2024 Jenny Knott

In these verses in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is teaching and showing us how to pray. Jenny sheds some light on some of the things Jesus recommends we do and don’t do. She also shares a video showing how the Lord’s Prayer is said in British Sign Language. The video is not included in this recording.

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21 04 2024 John Edwards
Caernarfon Pentecostal Caernarfon Pentecostal

21 04 2024 John Edwards

We are a few talks into chapter six of Matthew. Jesus at this point in the Sermon on the Mount is giving “how to” instructions in areas such as giving, fasting, and prayer. John today takes some time to consider fasting and what to do when, not if, we fast. (We haven’t skipped the passage on prayer, which is found between giving and fasting. Jenny will be covering that this Sunday!)

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14 04 2024 Derek Roberts
Caernarfon Pentecostal Caernarfon Pentecostal

14 04 2024 Derek Roberts

Our journey through Matthew’s gospel is moving into chapter six and we are still in the thick of Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount. This week, Derek shares about Jesus’ instructions on giving to the needy.

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07 04 2024 Reuben Florence
Caernarfon Pentecostal Caernarfon Pentecostal

07 04 2024 Reuben Florence

The latest of Jesus’ teachings in the Sermon on the Mount challenges is to look deeper into Old Testament laws around retaliation to see God’s our for us and for our enemies. In today’s talk, Reuben looks at these passages from Matthew chapter five.

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17 03 2024 Carol Pattinson
Caernarfon Pentecostal Caernarfon Pentecostal

17 03 2024 Carol Pattinson

In our continuing journey to become closer followers of Christ, we are taking a look at the next section of the sermon on the mount, from Matthew's gospel. With a mixture of levity and seriousness, Carol encourages and challenges us in these areas of purity that Jesus highlighted to his followers.

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10 03 2024 David Knott
Caernarfon Pentecostal Caernarfon Pentecostal

10 03 2024 David Knott

At this point in the 'Sermon on the Mount' Jesus is teaching his listeners about anger and how to follow God's ways of living in this area of life. As Christ-followers ourselves, we take a look at how to follow him through this teaching.

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03 03 2024 Reuben Florence
Caernarfon Pentecostal Caernarfon Pentecostal

03 03 2024 Reuben Florence

Following the beatitudes at the beginning of the 'Sermon on the Mount' in Matthew's gospel, there is a short passage around Jesus' role in fulfilling the law and the prophets. This week, Reuben shares from this section in verses 17-20 of chapter five. (Apologies for the distortion in the recording.)

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24 02 2024 Jenny Knott
Caernarfon Pentecostal Caernarfon Pentecostal

24 02 2024 Jenny Knott

This talk is something a bit different to normal as part of our time in Matthew's gospel. Rather than a Sunday morning preach, in this shorter audio, Jenny shares some thoughts on the few verses in chapter 5 (v13-16) in which Jesus talks about us being salt and light. Have a listen, or you can check out a video version at https://youtu.be/8ldpW6f6vps

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18 02 2024 John Edwards
Caernarfon Pentecostal Caernarfon Pentecostal

18 02 2024 John Edwards

Our journey through Matthew's gospel has reached the Sermon on the Mount and today, John takes us through the first several verses of Jesus' teachings in the sermon: the beatitudes. "Blessed are the ... for they...".

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11 02 2024 David Knott
Caernarfon Pentecostal Caernarfon Pentecostal

11 02 2024 David Knott

The introductory period of Matthew's gospel is coming to an end. Jesus' ministry is about to kick into high gear. In chapter four we see Jesus following the Spirit and responding to temptation in the wilderness before he returns to Galilee, moves from Nazareth to Capernaum an begins to teach, heal and lead the people to repentance.

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